About The TAC (Technical Advisory Committee)
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a sub-committee of each Divisional Council and acts as a liaison between the state registration authorities and the ASRF. They are also responsible for establishing and maintaining acceptable building standards for ASRF class vehicles, acceptable to the relevant state registration authority, with the objective of ensuring that these vehicles may be registered.
Regulations regarding registration and construction are constantly evolving. Please speak to your Technical Advisory Committee to stay abreast of information.
For any further technical matters or enquiries, contact your ASRF State Director or TAC Representative via the Contacts page.
Street Rods and Customs can be registered for full time road use in most States of Australia, so long as the normal registration and third party insurance fees are paid. To become fully registered a vehicle is required to have the necessary paperwork, this includes an Engineers Certificate, Roadworthiness Certificate, transfer and or previous registration papers, weight bridge certificate and comply with the National Street Rod Registration Guidelines. Engine and chassis numbers must be clearly visible.
Most States also now have an ASRF administered Street Rod Registration which is similar to the club registration enjoyed by the restorer type car clubs. Vehicles are restricted to only being driven to and/or from sanctioned events, whilst undertaking repairs, or with express written permission. The fees associated with this form of registration are much less. To obtain Street Rod registration, owners must be a member of the ASRF and have undergone an inspection by the relevant TAC.
If you are considering building or buying a street rod or custom, you are advised to consult the ASRF TAC in your State.
Occasionally the Techinical Advisory Committee will release bulletins regarding product alerts and considerations, often in response to an incident. For all TAC Advice Sheets visit TAC Bulletins